Author: (Norbert) Suedland, Aalen, Germany
The following sources have been used and are recommended:
- [1924Rued]
(Werner) Ruedenberg: Chinesisch-Deutsches Woerterbuch (Chinese-German Dictionary),
L. Friedrichsen & Co., Hamburg, (1924)
- [1988KR]
(Brian W.) Kernighan, (Dennis M.) Ritchie: The C programming Language,
Prentice-Hall, 2nd edition, (1988)
- [1989Schae]
(Arne) Schaepers: Turbo C Benutzerhandbuch (Turbo C User Manual),
Heimsoeth software, Munich, German translation of the user manual for Turbo C 2.0,
2 volumes, 3rd edition, (1989)
- [1991BYX]
(W.) Song, (D.) Li and others: A Chinese Word Processing and Desktop Publishing
Software Series = Xia4-Li3-Ba1-Ren2 or BYX = Man from a beneath village in Sichuan,
Guobiao editor version 2.1 for Chinese and ASCII characters, Mc Master University, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada, (1991)
- [1991GM]
(Andreas) Guder-Manitius: Chinesisch-Deutsches Lernwoerterbuch (Chinese German Lern Dictionary),
Verlag Ute Schiller, Berlin, 1st edition, (1991)
- [1992Shen]
Bible in Chinese Union Version "Shen" Edition, Hong Kong Bible Society, Hong Kong,
- [1997Bor]
Borland C++ Programmer's Guide, Borland International, Scotts Valley, USA,
Version 5, (1997)
on 09/22/2020
- [1997Lou]
(Dirk) Louis: Borland C++ 5 – das Kompendium (Borland C++ 5 – the Compendium,
Markt & Technik Buch und Software-Verlag, Haar near Munich,
1st edition, (1997)
- [2001GG]
Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Basic Law for the Federal
Republic of Germany), German Lower House of Parliament, Berlin, edition of
current state:
- [2015Will]
(Torsten T.) Will: Einführung in C++ (Introduction to C++), Galileo Press,
Bonn, 1st edition, (2015)
- [2020MFly]
(Morten) Mac Fly: Code::Blocks, The open source cross plattform, free C, C++
and Fortran IDE., (2020)
on 10/21/2020