State: 06/29/2024 after Christ
Legal Position of the Publications
Format of Data: Plain HTML text only
Summary of Legal Position
The information represented has been put to everyone's disposal for unhindered teaching.
Entries of authorship however are not to be deleted without consultation.
Cites are given completely and without changing the content.
Also the translaters tell their names.
Who meanwhile wants to change his cite, informs the author.
This is established by German right according to
article 5 of the basic law for the Federal Republic of Germany
(GG article 5), having the following wording at least from 1949 to 2018 (A trial of translation exists):
Artikel 5
[Freiheit der Meinung, Kunst und Wissenschaft]
(1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu
äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen
Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der
Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur
findet nicht statt.
(2) Diese Rechte finden ihre Schranken in den Vorschriften der allgemeinen
Gesetze, den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Jugend und in dem Recht
der persönlichen Ehre.
(3) Kunst und Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre sind frei. Die Freiheit der
Lehre entbindet nicht von der Treue zur Verfassung.
The General Data Protection Regulation of the European
Union is taken into consideration.
The persons cited here are mentioned because of historical or scientific reasons and have got the right to correct their former message to the
author or to ask for anonymity.
The wish for anonymity is equal to leaving the corresponding science.
If the wish for change does not occur within the prescribed time, then not automatically a bad intention is shown, this can also be because of
holiday, illness, or death of the author.
A Trial of Translation to German Basic Law, Article 5:
Article 5
[Freedom of Opinion, Art and Science]
(1) Everyone has the right to express and publish his opinion in words, scriptures and pictures,
and to teaching himself unchecked from sources which are opened generally.
The freedom of the press and the freedom of reporting by broadcasting and movie are guaranteed.
A censorship does not take place.
(2) These rights are restricted by the regulations of the general laws, the instructions to
protect young persons, and in the right of personal integrity.
(3) Art and science, research and teaching are without limitation. The freedom of teaching
does not dispense from remaining loyal to the constitution.
Restriction in a Special Case
The cites of the King James Authorized Version of 1769 are liable to the following instructions
(cited according to the edition of 1994):
All rights in respect of Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible are
vested in the Crown in the United Kingdom and controlled by Royal Letters
Patent. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording and
otherwise, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature, without written
The demand of a »written permission« is fulfilled by the following Bible text
of Matthew 10, here cited according to the King James Authorized Version:
7. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kindom of heaven is at hand.
8. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely
ye have received, freely give.
Equal Rights to all Languages and Peoples
Equal rights are regulated already by Moses' law for the people of Israel, also concerning the relations to foreigners and as template for the
peoples, which do not belong to Israel:
Numbers 15:15-16
15. One ordinance shall be both for you of the congregation, and also for the stranger that sojourneth with you, an ordinance for ever in your
generations: as ye are, so shall the stranger be before the LORD.
16. One law and one manner shall be for you, and for the stranger that sojourneth with you.
Deuteronomy 4:5-8
5. Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess
6. Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say,
Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.
7. For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for?
8. And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so rightous as all this law, which I set before you this day?
The apostle Paul summarizes this legal position the following:
Romans 2:11
11. For there is no respect of persons with God.
The concerning version of the
Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany reads:
Article 3
[Equality before the Law]
(1) All persons shall be equal before the law.
(2) Men and women shall have equal rights.
The state shall promote the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men and take steps to eliminate disadvantages that now exist.
(3) No person shall be favoured or disfavoured because of sex, parentage, race, language, homeland and origin, faith, or religious or political opinions.
No person shall be disfavoured because of disability.
Hint: The equal rights of men and women can also be understood in such a way, that midwifes (and gynaecologists) should always be women and
clergymen always men, then there is no collision to time-honoured traditions and customs.
Neutrality concerning Philosophy of Life due to the Sowjet System (Supplement from 04/13/2019)
Historically in 1917, Lenin introduced by the October Revolution a government, which appeared as neutral concerning philosophy of life and as well
recommended especially the atheism.
In physics, actually no human can measure, that something does not exist.
Therefore it makes sense to consider also the atheism as one of the possible religions in a state regulation.
Neutrality concerning philosophy of life is achieved just not by one-sided proclamation, but in a peaceful coexistence of divers views and traditions,
by dialogue and well-kept discourse.
Whosoever has reached a yet fixed insight in his world view, the same should nevertheless always offer this insight, rather than force it upon others.
This matter is already considered in the teaching of Christ Jesus, where it reads the following (St. Matthew 13:30):
30. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers,
Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
This stresses, that each human indeed is allowed to have an own point of view, but should adjourn the last word in these problems for later.
All real science begins by allowing explicitly the possibility of the own error (compare to 1 Thessalonians 5:21).
Therefore, after reducing the papal infallibility to ecclesiastical doctrine by Karol Józef Wojtyła in 1990, yet only the modern,
Roman Catholic theology is suspected of being no science.
Worth Knowing about the Holy Bible
Format of Data: Rich Text Format, Word97, Excel97, ASCII (437),
- Construction of the Text (215 = 32768 data addresses) since the Concile of Carthago (397 after Christ)
Complete.rtf, 98416 Bytes;
Complete.doc, 71680 Bytes;
Complete.pdf, 47209 Bytes
- Concrete Excel Tables, XLS, 161280 Bytes
- Verses per Chapter, PDF, 10014 Bytes
- Survey, PDF, 7412 Bytes
- Learn Table, PDF, 69927 Bytes
- Comparison of Translations (German - English)
- Comparison of Translations (German - English - Esperanto)
- Handling of the Biblical Chronology
Chronology.pdf, 144129 Bytes;
Chronology.doc, 193536 Bytes
- Prophecy
Comparison of Bible Translations (German - English)
Format of Data: Excel97 (XLS), Portable Document Format (PDF), Rich Text Format (RTF), ANSI Codepage 1252, ASCII Codepage 437
(Activating with Windows)
Text Issues Used:
- Excel Table on Synopsis (German - English) XLS, 75776 Bytes
- Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments
nach der deutschen Übersetzung Dr. Martin Luthers, revised and checked
for completeness by Dr. Johann Philipp Fresenius (1751),
printed and published by Heinrich Ludwig Brönner, Frankfurt am Main (1841)
- King James Authorized Version of the Holy Scriptures (1769) with Webster Update
(1833), Oxford University Press (1994); and Online Bible 6.13 (1994), Cambridge
University Press (Pay attention to Copyright)
- Samaritan's Torah, book of Jubilees, and Israelian calendar
- La malnova testament el la originalo tradukis Lazaro Ludoviko Zamenhof
(The Old Testament, translated from the original by Lazarus Louis Zamenhof),
British and Foreign Bible Society (2003)
- The New Testament Greek and German, Greek text:
27th edition of Novum Testamentum Graece in the succession of
Eberhard and Erwin Nestle commonly justified by Barbara and Kurt
Aland, John Karavidopoulos, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger.
Edited in the Institut for New Testament Text Research
Münster/Westfalen by Barbara Aland and Kurt Aland, 2nd edition (1995)
PDF for DIN A 4
New Testament
RTF for DIN A 4
New Testament
ANSI Codepage 1252
New Testament
Activating of Codepage 437 with Windows
Since MS-DOS 3.30 there is a possibility to choose the letter codepage freely for a program.
Older PC's or DOS versions automatically use codepage 437 being unique until then.
With Windows comes a predefined default of codepage 850 which by this is spread at least in
Codepage 437 is used to give a possibility to older DOS computers to use the gotten data.
To activate the old letter codepage 437 e.g. a batch file EDIT.BAT of the following
kind is to be written:
Thus with ending the editor the original codepage 850 is activated again.
ASCII Codepage 437
New Testament
(Triple) Comparison of Bible Translations (German - English - Esperanto)
Format of Data: Unicode Text, ANSI Text with X-coding
Text Issues Used:
- Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments
nach der deutschen Übersetzung Dr. Martin Luthers, revised and checked
for completeness by Dr. Johann Philipp Fresenius (1751),
printed and published by Heinrich Ludwig Brönner, Frankfurt am Main (1841)
- King James Authorized Version of the Holy Scriptures (1769) with Webster Update
(1833), Online Bible 6.0 (1993), and Oxford University Press (1994)
(Pay attention to Copyright)
- LA MALNOVA TESTAMENTO el la hebrea originalo tradukis (Lazaro Ludoviko)
Zamenhof, Brita kaj alilanda Biblia societo, Londono, nacia Biblia societo
de Scotlando, Edinburgo, (1978)
- The formulations before curved brackets {} are corrections corresponding to
the content, which use research results, that repair the historically
formulated irrelevance. In the curved brackets the histrorical version of
the text ist furthermore delivered.
- The word "firm air envelope" repairs the formulation "firmament" because of
physical results due to the Chinese Bible translation [6].
- Bible in Chinese, Union Version "Shen" Edition, Hong Kong Bible Society,
Hong Kong, edition 40M, (1992)
- The numbers in digits come from the Samaritan Torah, and not from
the Massoretan Pentateuch. The original versions of the historical
Bible translations remain behind in curved brackets {}. By this the
Bible text corresponds to the Israelian chronology, and to the
dates in the book of Jubilee [8].
- (James H.) Charlesworth: "The Book of Division" ("Jubilees") in:
"The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha", volume 2, pages 52-142,
Doubleday, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland, (1985)
- Duden: Deutsches Universalwörterbuch, Dudenverlag, 7. Auflage, (2011)
- Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments
nach der deutschen Übersetzung Dr. (Martin) Luthers.
Durchgesehen im Auftrag der Deutschen Evangelischen Kirchenkonferenz,
(1892), Privilegierte Württembergische Bibelanstalt, Stuttgart,
17. Auflage, (1901)
- (Francis) Taylor: La Sankta Biblio, (2007),
el []
- Komparo de la teksto kun la versio de (Albrecht) Kronenberger, (2015)
- (Martin) Luther: "Die Bibel nach der Übersetzung Martin Luthers",
Bibeltext in der revidierten Fassung von 1984, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft,
Stuttgart, (1985)
- eldonejo ludovikito: "de moseo al andersen", iam kompletigota plena
verkaro de l.l.zamenhof, volumo 4, (1998)
Format of Data: LaTeX, Mathematica
Basics of Physics
Working with Mathematica
The Mathematica program even for students is chargeable, but also paying.
The results of Mathematica elaborations can be looked at and printed by use of the dutyfree program Wolfram CDF Player
(contains the former programs MathReader, and Mathematica Player) which can be gotten at or from outside of Europe at
Depending on requirement and available money, the following Mathematica versions are suitable:
Since version 3.0.0 all Mathematica notebooks (ending: "*.nb") consist the
same. However, since version 4.x there are problems of reading notebooks of version 3.x if
some additions are missing within the StyleSheets.
To be able to edit elaborations similarly to my style there is the style
TeX-English-Color.nb which I make
available to everyone.
Limits of Physics
Format of Data: QBASIC, LaTeX, Mathematica
LaTeX is the TeX (pronunciation: "Tech") of Laslie Lamport and is an open program to all
who like it.
The results of this program have got the ending "*.dvi".
The program can be downloaded dutyfree (about 500 MBytes!) at
If the page format fails, then the old version of geometry.sty can be used, which therefore must be copied
into the directory of the file to be compiled.
Please contact me if you want to have another data format instead.
Historic deals with elaborating historical chronologies.
Al Chorezmi worked on calendar calculation, thus the notion "algorithm" leads back to his name.
The programs given here are written for QBASIC:
-, 3730164 Bytes
Concerning algorithm completed version 0.66 from 03/22/2017, the source code is in English, last adaptation 10/21/2022.
Start: Unpack by 7-Zip and then call within a command shell of DOS or Windows Historic.bat.
This program runs on 8 bit and 16 bit computers under DOS at once, on 32 bit computers is recommended
( or the DOS box 0.74
Some 64 bit computers can also run 32 bit programs.
- For FreeDos 1.3 ( the following
adaptation is recommended, if the Historic directory is D:\HISTORIC:
- For the DOS box 0.74 ( the
following adaption is recommended, if the windows directory is C:\WINDOWS, and the Historic directory D:\HISTORIC:
mount c c:\windows
mount h d:\historic
- With Linux now the dosbox 0.74 can also be used, e.g. if the Historic directory exists at
~/Historic, and a temporary directory exists at ~/Temp, then the following should run:
mount c ~/Temp
mount h ~/Historic
Under Linux, the dosbox should be installed by the following command line:
sudo apt-get install dosbox
-, 5328765 Bytes
Relatively easy to handle: Extract, search and call HistoryLaunch.exe,
then press 1 for installing and running the program.
- An overview on the processing can be found here:
info.TeX, 23733 Bytes;
info.pdf, 161381 Bytes
The problems to calculate the days of the
week are solved explicitly (owning an inverse function).
Packed Mathematica notebook, 41462 Bytes
The name "Al Gebra" (pronunciation: "Al Dshebbra") is based on Arabic and deals
with extensively unsolved problems of "simple" analytical mathematics.
Function Theory
Analytical representation of the arctan(x) function, 25479 Bytes
- Mel1910.English.nb.pdf, 347293 Bytes;, 60800 Bytes
Basics of Mellin Barnes' integrals,
interactive verified translation of a publication of Hjalmar Mellin (1910)
- Excerpts of my Doctoral Thesis:
Probability Theory
- 1814Lapl_II_3.pdf 243375 Bytes;
1814Lapl_II_3_TeX, 21976 Bytes
Probability theory by Pierre Simon de Laplace (2nd edition, 1814):
commented, English translation for the central chapter of his works
Mountains and Rocks
Format of Data: ASCII (437),
LaTeX, PowerPoint, Microsoft Document Format (*.doc), Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
- Summer Camp 1992, Windows-ANSI, 6986 Bytes;, ASCII (437) , 6987 Bytes
- Inquiry of Ice-Age (Contribution in 1993 at the geological group of
Wort & Wissen)
Meeting93.dvi, 23756 Bytes;
Meeting93.pdf, 92927 Bytes
- Proof of the Great Flood (Parish Lesson in 1999 and 2001)
GreatFlood.ppt, 102400 Bytes;
GreatFlood.pdf, 123272 Bytes
- Noah's ark being found on mount Ararat
Thinking about Essay
The Ararat is a free standing volcano of at least 15,000 feet height and due to the author's estimation the nicest panorama mountain of the earth.
Today it is located in the east of the Turkish country.

Picture Origin: Photographer: Ali Mohammed, Shooting Place: Idre near Ararat
Shooting Time: morning (estimated from the shadow lines)
The southern flank of Ararat can be seen, as to be expected from the Bible report, too.
The southern flank is the longest and most flat slope of Ararat, which all humans and animals needed to wander down.
The perspective can be measured by a ruler on the printed photograph, and then be calculated due to the rule of three into distance.
The mistake of this estimation is about 10 %.
In about 15,000 feet height above the valey plain can be seen at the left hand side a horizontal line, which represents the landing strip for Noah's
It is at least 6,000 feet long and is positioned at about 13,800 feet height above sea level, this is about 3,600 feet higher than the place, where
Frozen Franz has been found, which also is positioned within the perpetual ice at a watershed, where the glacier neither moves nor is crushing
It is sure since the saving of Frozen Franz on September 20th, 1989, that Noah's ark has been preserved extremely well in the deep-freeze
of Ararat's glacier.
Already years before a microbiologist has ordered from the author a piece of dung from the ark, if there would be an inspection one day.
After the landing on Ararat, Noah and his family had totally no time or power to shovel the whole dung of all animals and humans, which had gathered
during a year, out of the lower part of the ship - what would had been the good of that?
Because of hydromechanical reasons, Noah's ark is positioned at a watershed, because during the landing about the same amounts of water needed to flow
away into all 4 quarters of the heaven.
God has driven high the volcano Ararat in millimetre precision under the ship without inflaming the ark.
The reason is the fact, that water is cooling extremely well and solidified lava is isolating extremely well.
If lava of about 1850 °F directly is contacting sea water (usually 40 °F and high hydrostatic pressure), then abruptly results a perfectly compact
casting lava, which by geophysicists is called as pillow lava and understood technically to be submarine pressure casting.
Only at low water pressure, or water depth respectively, the direct contact of water and lava yields steam on the whole, which better is named as a
vapour cloud.
The stopping of the ship at the end of the landing is the most exciting task, because thereby the water must flow away equally to possibly
4 directions.
1 cubic metre of water weights a metric ton, therefore the most little transverse streams or pressure reflections would wash the stranded ship
immediately back again into the sea and then with falling water level principally away from the mountain.
Therefore Noah's ark is positioned at the left hand (western) end of the landing strip.
There even a small hill on the landing strip is recognizable, which is fulfilling the demands to a possible landing.
For physicists by this is reckoned up, that a living God exists, who has ordered to ascend the Ararat at this very location out of the roaring sea at
the end of the great flood.
On this day the streams were so big, that the whole Grand Canyon in America has been washed out.
The ark came from Mount Everest, where 1996 has been checked, whether Noah had left a commemorative tablet to the water depth being mentioned in Genesis 7:20.
And for avoiding quarrels on the correct philosophy at all oxygen deficiency due to these contexts, at the summit stand of Mount Everest
flutter Tibetian prayer flags, which at least contain the great Om mani padme hum.
The flight Everest - Ararat needed due to the Bible statements one day and obviously took place in such a way, that during the whole journey the
watershed stayed always under the ark.
This circumstance avoided a chaotic movement of Noah's ark during the journey.
Whether the Indus valley at Nanga Parbat has been breaked open before or after passing by the ark, has not yet been clarified finally.
Because of earth rotation the course Everest - Ararat is a curvation to the right hand side.
These considerations show by the inertia of the water, that the duration of a day has been about constant during the whole great flood, thus not all
physical riddles on the construction of the earth can be solved finally (see Jeremia 31:37).
To the author science always is checking without knowing the result before.
Therefore all interested persons and also all critics be invited to check the connections without knowing the result before.
The character of such checks is, that also unexpected results can occur.
For requests and suggestions the author is willingly at your disposal -
if the Lord wants and we shall live (see James 4:15).
- Ararat.doc, 114688 Bytes;
Ararat.pdf, 146345 Bytes
Format of Data: LaTeX, PDF
- How many Notes has got the Gamut?
Gamut.dvi, 34452 Bytes;
Gamut.pdf, 126215 Bytes
- English Note Names for Several Tone Systems:, 12054 Bytes
- Canon for 12 Voices by Norbert Suedland (Variant in Major) on 1 Samuel 7:3:
12-Canon_Major.dvi, 6204 Bytes;
12-Canon_Major.pdf, 13018 Bytes
12-Canon_Major.Bass.dvi, 6516 Bytes;
12-Canon_Major.Bass.pdf, 12647 Bytes
- Canon for 12 Voices by Norbert Suedland (Variant in minor) on 1 Samuel 7:3:
12-Canon_minor.Treble.dvi, 6180 Bytes;
12-Canon_minor.Treble.pdf, 12702 Bytes
12-Canon_minor.dvi, 6144 Bytes;
12-Canon_minor.pdf, 12991 Bytes
- The choral of the inhabitants of BASF's hell according to a desire of Thomas Eyth (09/28/1965 - 12/13/1999):
This choral shall be sung always, when once again a chemicist is sent intentionally to death by a superior:
Christ is Risen (d-minor), 9297 Bytes;, 17376 Bytes;, 22155 Bytes
- In my despair I cry to Thee (d-phrygian and e-phrygian)
BWV.38.dvi, 16168 Bytes;
BVW.38.pdf, 33804 Bytes
- Kyrie eleison, Lutheran (F-Mixolydian and G-Mixolydian)
Kyrie.Lutheran.TeX 8497 Bytes;
Kyrie.Lutheran.dvi 14968 Bytes;
Kyrie.Lutheran.pdf 30726 Bytes
Format of Data: LaTeX
Small Business
Format of Data: Plain HTML text only
Aim | Service on Mathematical Physics, Maintenance and Training on PC |
Foundation Date | Mai 1st, 2006 |
Termination Date | March 31st, 2012 |
Address | Dr. Norbert Suedland, Otto-Schott-Strasse 16, D-73431 Aalen |
Email | |
Tax Number | 50406/32388 |
Small Business | Therefore the turnover tax was not mentioned within the bill. |
Legal Domicile | Living place of Norbert Suedland, German law |
Order | So far yet possible via the company Aage GmbH only.
Price per Hour | Actually 120.00 EUR plus tax for individual tasks, for poor people lower price |
Main Product | FractionalCalculus for Mathematica |
System Demands | 3.0 ≤ $VersionNumber ≤ 13.1, 500 MBytes RAM |
License Fee on Encoded Package | No more any fees for the whole source code! |
Copyright by | Gerd Baumann, Norbert Südland 1996-2024 |
Order at | |
Computer Science
This is on a project to translate programming languages into different languages.
Current Results
The notion theology is understood differently by each faith community.
However, here not mainly a doctrine on God, but the doctrine by God is discussed.
This doctrine mainly is delivered by sermons, of which the short service is allowed to be presented outside of a divine service
by a theological layman, too.
Short Service for Aalen's Brass Ensemble, 2011
Data formats: Rich Text Format (RTF), Microsoft Document for Word 97 until 2003 (DOC, edited with Open Office, for translators into other languages),
and Portable Document Format (PDF)
Short Service for Aalen's Brass Ensemble, 2018
Data formats: Microsoft Document for Word 97 until 2003 (DOC, edited with Open Office, for translators into other languages),
and Portable Document Format (PDF)
- Election for Aalen's Town Council on May 25th, 2014 at
FDP + Free Voters Aalen:
Result: 1031 of 640432 valid votes, thus none of the 41 mandates reached.
On the move up list for FDP + Free Voters Aalen
currently I stood at fourth position.
Norbert Suedland thanks all voters for their confidence.
- Election for Aalen's Town Council on May 26th, 2019 at
FDP + Free Voters Aalen:
Result: 1845 of 838984 valid votes, thus none of the 41 mandates reached.
Norbert Suedland thanks all voters for their confidence.
On September 20th, 2021 Norbert Suedland was found due to the list to move up into Aalen's Town Council,
but he was to delegate to the next person, because his chief now due to the pandemia could not lay him off for the
honorary post in Aalen's Town Council.
Free Download of Important Books
Computer Science
Norbert Suedland
Imprint (Legal Hint)
- From my homepage (website) there are set cross connections (hyperlinks) to other pages of internet.
- I explicitly declare, that I do not own directive influence to the contents of the connected pages and in any case am not liable for them.
- Who's impression is, that the contents of the linked pages do not fit to the contents of,
the same may communicate and discuss this, where needed.
- For questions I willingly am available.
Norbert Suedland
Dr. Norbert Suedland
Otto-Schott-Strasse 16
D-73431 Aalen
Email: (Please tell the data format of the exspected answer)
Curriculum Vitae of Norbert Suedland until Today
10/2009 - today | Co-worker of Aalen's Society for Light Components
(Aage GmbH) |
08/2006 - 05/2009 | Co-worker of the European Research Association
Magnesium in Aalen (EFM e.V.) |
05/2006 - 03/2012 | Small business |
09/2005 - today | Courses in Esperanto at the adult college in Aalen
10/2004 - 09/2005 | Member of the managing board of the Federal
Association of Psychiatric Service Users |
10/2004 - 07/2005 | Lecture in physics at the Aalen
University of Applied Sciences |
04/2004 - 03/2005 | Newspaper boy for Merkuria Aalen |
07/2002 - 04/2004 | Creative interval, proof to
Fermat's conjecture, etc. |
03/2002 - 04/2002 | Lecture in statistics at the Aalen
University of Applied Sciences |
01/2002 - 03/2010 | Playing the organ in the divine services of several
churches |
01/2002 - 06/2002 | Co-worker of TZ Steibeis GmbH, working group for
cast metals Aalen |
07/2001 - 08/2001 | Programer at Muehlhaeuser GmbH & Co.,
Modehaus am Dom KG in Munich |
01/2001 - 06/2001 | Software developer at Visual Analysis AG in
Munich |
11/1997 - 12/2000 | Doctoral thesis at the University of Ulm
in Mathematical Physics |
11/1996 - 10/1997 | Diploma thesis at the University of Ulm
10/1992 - 02/1996 | Courses in Chinese language and scripture at the
Center for Languages and Philology at the
University of Ulm |
10/1992 - 06/1994 | Courses and co-working at the Musisal Workshop at the University of Ulm |
07/1991 - 09/1991 | Working student at the Carl Zeiss company in Oberkochen |
10/1990 - 10/1996 | Studies of physics at the University of
Ulm |
03/1990 - 07/1990 | Working student at the Carl Zeiss company in Oberkochen |
07/1988 - 02/1990 | Community service at the evangelical church and the deaconical district in Aalen |
04/1987 | Examination of church music, level C |
08/1975 - 06/1988 | Visiting school until school-leaving |
1968 | Birth in Aalen /Wuerttemberg |
Special Knowledge
- Electronic Data Handling
- Programing with Mathematica: modeling, programing and encrypting
- Programing with Turbo C, several BASICs and Fortran77
- Working with MS-Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Working with the systems MS-DOS, Windows, Unix
- Language
- German (mother's language)
- English
- Esperanto (passive and a little bit active)
- Latin (passive), some Italian
- Chinese scripture (basics, assured copying)
The plans are mainly presented to be finished eventually by other persons.
The actual state of work is mentioned in brackets.
- Translation of programing languages into German and other languages
- Program to generate chronological tables (German and English versions are finished now)
- Chinese editor fitting to standard keyboards (also for non-speakers, preparations exist)
- Comparison of translations of the Holy Bible (German-English is finished now)
- Tests of the 41-fold divided octave in music (concept)
- Mathematica package to solve difference equations (concept)
- Mathematica package of the special functions of several arguments
(concept, preparation exists)
- Calculation of panorama of a summit (concept)
- Calculation of planetary movement due to my supplemented gravitation formula
(first results)
- Translation of this homepage to other languages
The limits of such plans are described in Proverbs 19
(cited due to the King James Authorized Version):
21. [There are] many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD,
that shall stand.
End of the Homepage of Norbert Suedland